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Our Services

Resources for Professionals, Parents and Carers

 This 30 minute webinar about Emotion Coaching describes, why we need Emotion Coaching, what it is (and what it is not) and how to do it. 

This short 5 minute white board animation serves as an introduction to Emotion Coaching.  It might be of interest to people who want a quick idea of what is Emotion Coaching. 

Different emotional styles -

These series of videos, illustrate the emotional styles we use to respond to emotions in others: emotion disapproving, emotion dismissing, laissez-faire, and emotion coaching. At the end of each video, a guide supports reflection about the style depicted and the impact the interaction has upon the individuals involved. 

1-The 'Ethan' Video Series:

An adolescent boy Ethan struggles to remain focussed on the task set for him in class. 

2- The Primary Playground Video Series:

7 year-old Darla tells Mrs P, the lunchtime supervisor, that her friend Noah is sitting all alone and is sad. Darla asks Mrs P for help. 

3- The 'Liv' Video Series:

A practitioner is working one-to-one with 15 year old Liv. Liv struggles to manage her emotions when she feels challenged or threatened. 

The Hand Model of the Brain

An animated adaptation of Dr. Dan Siegel's original concept, 'The Hand Model of the Brain' is aimed at children and young people, as well as the adults who interact with them.


In this video links are made between how the body, brain and emotions work together to support our responses to stress. 

This animation started with a naturally occurring conversation between a mother and her 6 year old daughter about what school exclusion means, after reading a story together where this theme came up.


It highlights the importance of the child's voice and of listening to children's views about how adults in schools might respond to pupil behaviour: by using the behaviour they see as a step to wondering what emotions the child might be experiencing. 

A child's perspective of school


A Case Study​

In 2020/21 Emotion Coaching UK worked with the Wensum Trust to support the development of Emotion Coaching across all their eleven schools – infant, junior, primary and secondary schools. Emotion Coaching is seen by the Trust as fundamental in completing the jigsaw to achieve their ambition for every one of their schools to be Attachment Aware and Trauma Responsive.


It fits effortlessly under the umbrella of promoting early life mental health. Along with all Wensum Trust schools, Acle Academy has been on a journey for several years developing their understanding and practices towards achieving the Trust’s goal before incorporating Emotion Coaching. 

 In this video, Nic Bliss (Assistant Principal, Acle High School) shares an honest and reflective account. He highlights persistent questioning and revisiting of what the school does to support their pupils.

Lego Hand Model of the Brain 
In 2017, 13 year old Fraser Sutherland's mother explained the hand model of the brain to him. This physical/visual model gives a simple representation of how the body, brain and emotions are linked. Children and young people (and adults!) find the hand model of the brain useful in developing their understanding of emotional regulation. Fraser subsequently made a Lego animation to demonstrate his understanding of the concepts explained to him.  We are delighted to share this with you.

What's going on, what to say and do 

Regulation Station Poster 

Children are supported in the classroom to develop their ability to notice how their body is feeling, linking this to emotions they might
be feeling and then identifying ways in which they can restore calm and self-regulation.  


This idea was developed in support of Step 4 of Emotion Coaching - problem solving.

Problem Solving Cards

This set of solution cards have been developed to help young children approach conflict resolution.  They can be worked through with children asking- would this solve the problem? 


This resource has been generously provided to us by one of our Practitioner Trainers, Tamsin Grimmer, Early Years Consultant and author. 


Supporting Health Professionals' Use of Emotion Coaching in Northamptonshire

Between September 2019 and July 2020 an iterative training programme supported a group of Northamptonshire health professionals to implement Emotion Coaching (EC) into work practices. The aim was to develop and sustain EC practice use across children's health services teams. The training programme was part of a country-wide project focused on children's resiliency and ameliorating the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES).


The training programme included an initial EC training session for 186 Health Professionals; including health visitors, school nurses, nursery nurses and others working within Universal Health Services for Children. Within the training process, a small group of EC Champions was identified. Their role would be to support and sustain EC practice, by acting as a source of expertise in EC knowledge and practice within their team.


Licette Gus, Dr Sarah Modi, Dr Kirsten Krawczyk, Dr Louise Gilbert and William Stacy. March 2021

Supporting Adults to Develop Emotion Coaching in Schools

This evaluation report examined a project carried out in an ethnically diverse cluster of schools in London: a secondary school and its 5 feeder primary  schools.  The aim of the project was to support the development of pupil social, emotional and mental health through adult increased awareness, competency and use of Emotion Coaching as part of the school day.  Emotion Coaching provided a structure for staff to operationalise or know "how to do" relationships with pupils in their everyday encounters with them.  These ongoing relationships benefited pupil emotional development.  The training supported both staff and pupil intra-and inter-personal emotional competencies and relationships: adult-pupil and pupil-pupil relationships and communication were enhanced".


Licette Gus, Educational Psychologist and co-founder of Emotion Coaching UK, May, 2018


Reflective Log
This blank proforma can be of use to help support the development of your Emotion Coaching skills.




Reflective Log examples

An opportunity to read of other's reflective log entries

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