Janet Rose Bio

Dr Janet Rose (PhD, MA, PGCE, BA (Hons), FHEA) is a co-founder of Emotion Coaching UK and an Emotion Coaching Principal Lead. She is a trained teacher and has led research into the development of Emotion Coaching both as a parenting programme and its application in schools and community settings throughout the UK.
She has worked closely with vulnerable children and young people in a range of roles, is a Level 1 Theraplay practitioner and has undertaken a course in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction.
Janet has led training in Emotion Coaching for numerous Local Authorities and organisations and is also Academic Lead for the Attachment Aware Schools Project based at Bath Spa University. She is frequently invited to be a Keynote speaker at conferences throughout the UK. Janet is also the Principal of Norland College in Bath, and was previously an Associate Professor, Reader in Education, Programme and Award Leader at Bath Spa and an Associate of Kate Cairns Associates and Early Education.
She has authored numerous books, chapters and research publications. Her most recent co-authored book is Health and Wellbeing in Early Childhood.
Janet is available for the following:
Training in Emotion Coaching for practitioners from a variety of disciplines including education, health and social care
Training in parenting programmes – Janet is a registered trainer for the Tuning into Kids and Tuning into Teenagers parenting programmes